"Branding: Hurts Cattle,
Helps You."

The branding of your company isn’t just there to look pretty – it helps to drive your bottom line. Your brand helps set the first impression that your potential clients will have of your company. That first impression will determine how and where your company stands within your industry and can determine the type of leads that are generated. The decisions that you make during these early stages, or during a rebranding, of your company are vital as your potential clients lead to current clients and success. At Image Management, we take your company's overall goals and objectives and customize a brand that works for you and your client-base. As part of our process, we evaluate the effectiveness of each element of your brand. This includes, but is not limited to, color scheme, logo, tagline, and website/marketing content.

A brand must have a clear focus; your future clients and customers will only get confused with a muffled brand lacking clarity.

4 Steps to Building Your Brand

Determine Your Perfect Client

Determining Your
Perfect Client

Focus on Creating a Mission

Creating Your
Company Mission

Find Your Branding Niche Within your Market

Distinguishing Your
Niche Market

Critique your Company's Needs

Standing In Your
Customers' Shoes

1. Determining Your Perfect Client

No business can be all things to all people. Defining a ‘target customer,’ or ‘target market,’ serves as the first component in developing a brand and marketing strategy. If the target customer is unknown, there is seemingly no possible way to tailor marketing efforts correctly. The most successful brands generate effective messages to the public sphere. They know their perfect client, they’ve studied what makes that client tick and what makes them smile, and they use said information to win the client.

2. Creating Your Company Mission

Creating a loyal following begins with creating a mission statement that clearly encompasses the direction the company plans to go. It’s broad enough to serve as the roadmap for years to come (including potential roadblocks or detours), but focused enough that the general direction is obvious.

3. Distinguishing Your Niche Market

Creating a niche market distinguishes the subset of the market you focus on, differentiating your company from the others in the public sphere. Toyota has a different target market than Rolls Royce, and Aldi has a different target market than Whole Foods. Developing the niche market is like planting the business seed. Product/service development, pricing, quality, and advertising sprout as branches from that single seed.

4. Standing In Your Customers' Shoes

Put yourself in the prospect’s shoes. The best way for both new and existing companies to understand the worldview of their niche is as simple as breaking down the perceived customer-base and discovering their concerns. Then, figure out how to heal those concerns.

Our brand creation and marketing is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. We will discover how to effectively craft your organization so you stand out from the competition. Contact us today to begin your brand creation, or recreation, process!