Website Design and SEO tips for law firms

76% of potential attorney clients will begin with an online search prior to calling.

Oof! With a number that high, making sure your attorney website is cutting-edge and strategically converts visitors to leads is crucial. Image Management works with numerous law firms in the Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Barrington, and Chicago areas, and we know the attorney industry.

So, what are these website design and SEO tips and tricks, you ask? Buckle your seatbelts, let’s begin!

1. Attorney Firm Website Design

Having a memorable logo, a clear call-to-action, testimonials, and a value-adding headline are a few ways the first impression of your attorney website can be a successful one. A top-aligned, mobile-friendly menu-bar with clear website tabs for individual pages can aid in the usefulness of a website on both desktop and smartphones. 

Keeping the copy concise and clear is crucial; because website visitors have a problem they need help fixing! They need a personal injury lawyer! They need a divorce! They need a (insert law practice area here)! Sales copy must be clear and to the point.

Lastly, implementing a literal ‘hero’ image of the lawyer or lawyers in the upper-fold of the website can build an immediate emotional bond between the website visitor and your firm. The key is to create an attorney website design that’s as reputable as possible!

2. Attorney Firm Website SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the prominent way to grow the organic Google ranking of your law firm. Getting your most prominent keywords (attorney, personal injury attorney, estate planning, divorce attorney, etc.) onto the home page and on interior pages aids tremendously. Back-end meta descriptions and alt tags play a significant role in website SEO and are read by Google, but not the human eye.

And, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention the significance of news posts (or ‘blogs’). These are pertinent avenues to implement keywords and current information onto the website, greatly benefiting SEO (and hey – look what you’re reading right now – a blog!). If you want your attorney website found on Google, make sure the SEO is constantly being refreshed and updated.

3. Attorney Firm Website Security

We’ll keep this short and to the point: your attorney website must be secure. An SSL security certificate will benefit the SEO and Google ranking of the website, and it will provide website viewers a stronger level of comfort that you’re a reputable company.

4. Attorney Firm Website Digital Marketing

Want more leads in your area? Looking for clients in Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Waukesha, Chicago or throughout the United States? Digital marketing, making use of Google Ads, display ads, and remarketing ads are prime ways to target users looking for a reputable attorney to represent them. At Image Management, we pride ourselves in our digital marketing services for attorneys and have helped numerous firms in the local area!

Are you an attorney firm in need of a new website design, SEO, or digital marketing? Contact our team at Image Management - the Masters of the Website!

Published on November 4, 2019