Website Blogging 101

So, you’ve heard having a website blog or newsfeed can benefit your website’s SEO, but you don’t know where to start. Sound familiar? If so, you have stumbled upon the right article. When creating blog posts for your website, these tips and tricks can better your website’s Google performance with a powerhouse punch. Welcome to Blogging for SEO 101!

1. Insert optimized images

Think about it… would your website visitors rather read a giant block of text by itself? Or do you think they’d appreciate an image or two? Bingo! Including at least one optimized image into your website’s blog post will benefit SEO as long as the image is not huge (shoot for <100KB) and it has an alt tag description embedded for Google to read.

2. Proof for grammar and spellin​​​​​​g

This may seem like a silly point, but, working in this industry, we come across many websites with misspellings; some of which are right, smack dab on the home page! If your website’s blog contains misspellings, it will demolish your authority to your readers. Stay professional and ask a co-worker to proofread!

3. Implement meta descriptions

This is a HUGE, often overlooked necessity when it comes to boosting your website's SEO. The meta description is what Google reads and oftentimes displays on the search results page. It’s also the snippet that viewers read when the blog article is posted on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. For website SEO, think “meta, meta, meta!”

4. Format the content well

One looooong paragraph of text won’t look too enticing to read for your website visitors, will it? Don’t overwhelm your readers; instead, use bullet points, lists, and infographics to keep your website viewers on your site longer, benefiting your SEO! If your bounce rate is high and viewers aren't reading after 3 seconds, your blog won’t benefit your Google ranking nearly as much as it could!

5. Insert a call to action

A salesman is only as good as their closed deals. If you’re tirelessly writing blog post after blog post for your website with no call to action, what good is that? Include a call to action at the end of the article to close the deal, linking it with other pages within your website (i.e. your contact page).

At Image Management, we can help create your Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, and nationwide website with a blog that benefits YOUR business's SEO! Contact us today, and let's get started!

Published on December 17, 2019