When you think about the SEO of your business website, Google My Business reviews probably aren't the first thing that come to mind.
But in addition to making sure your website is mobile friendly for phones and tablets, making sure your website is secure by use of an SSL, and making sure your website content contains plenty of search-related phrases (aiding SEO) – Google reviews are imperative for a high Google ranking.
And yes, you guessed it, more positive Google reviews benefit your website ranking. Google My Business reviews are the second-most influential factor when examining a local business’ performance in the “Local Pack” (AKA the box of local search/map results). See below – we Googled 'restaurant Milwaukee,' and Harbor House is #1 with more reviews than its competitors.
If you're interested in growing your number of positive Google reviews to benefit your company website SEO and reputation, here are a list of ways:
1. Add a review link to your business website.
2. Add ‘Leave Us A Review!’ to your email signature.
3. Create an email blast strictly asking for positive reviews.
4. Ask all employees to consider writing a positive review about their experience working there.
5. Ask customers directly for a Google review.
And how can you send a direct link for customer's to review your business, you ask?
Go to this link - https://developers.google.com/places/place-id. Then, type in your business and COPY the 'place ID' code. Lastly, tack it at the end of this URL - http://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=
In the end, it would look something like this - http://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=ChIJEYMjaIJDBYgRimanK7-xGsI
Do you need help growing your website SEO and Google ranking? Contact our Image Management team to help your website SEO today!
Published on February 28, 2020