Social Media Marketing

A challenge for marketing teams is choosing which channels of brand outreach to use. There's Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, site blog, email, podcasts... where does one begin? Does every company need to use every platform?

Choosing which media outlets can be most successful (and relevant) for your company or organization is important.

For example, if you own a Mexican restaurant, Instagram is a must. Posting daily pictures of customers drinking a margarita, eating a taco, or enjoying fresh guacamole will create a buzz. A CNC Machining company, however, may want to think twice before investing time and effort in Instagram.

Here are the big questions to ponder:

  • Who is your audience?
  • Where is your audience, digitally speaking?
  • What is your plan for delivery?

To sum it all up: if you could boost your traffic and leads through having a kick butt Facebook, Instagram, blog, podcast, etc., then jump in head first.

The internet is your oyster. Contact Image Management to help develop and implement your social media plan today!

Published on December 12, 2016