It's pretty safe to say Chad Arents is the glue that holds Image Management together. Having been at IM for 13 years, Chad has touched on every aspect of the company. Chad currently manages the majority of the website development sector. He's very involved with the community, serving as a member of the Racine Rotary and as a board member of the Racine Literacy Council. Get to know Image Management's superhero Chad Arents below!
What got you interested in project managing at a website design firm?
I was initially brought in to Image Management way back in 2003 as an entry level graphic designer. My first task was separating transparency photography for Case New Holland - this was before digital photography became the standard. This transitioned into working closely with Claire on photo retouching, asset management, and overseeing updates to our Asset Net website and dealer portals for CNH. Although I was not working directly in design, I found great satisfaction in keeping assets and photography organized and keeping projects running smoothly and on time. I suppose I have a little OCD in me :) It was only natural to evolve into the main representative and project manager for our website division. All the skills and values I learned from Claire and managing CNH assets really help me make our website division strong and successful.
What is your favorite part about working at Image Management?
I take great pride in helping clients make their website visions come to fruition. The wide variety of website projects that come through our door keep things interesting. Working exclusively on one type of business would become rather dull quickly so I am excited to see what new projects come to Image Management on a weekly basis. As of the creation of this article, we are presently working on websites for an attorney, a published author, a care facility for individuals with disabilities and autism, two machine shops, a photographer, a church, and a pyrotechnics company. You can’t get much more variety than that! Having worked with hundreds of clients over the years has also been very fulfilling. I have built many wonderful relationships with our clients. Having them come back for 2nd and even 3rd generation websites reaffirms that our service and product at Image Management are second to none in the area.
What are some of your hobbies outside of work?
I’ll admit it - I am a self appointed nerd! I have always been obsessed with Star Wars (saw the new one 4 times) and comic books. This is most likely due to my love of cartooning - I was in the very first animation class at U.W. Parkside. As goofy as it sounds, I have a whole cartoon series bouncing around in my head. I just need to one day sit down and finally put pen to paper. I am also found regularly at the movie theaters - from comedies, to action, to horror, I love it all. I also enjoy the lesser athletic sports including bowling and darts. I try my hand at golf although I refer to it as “visiting the rough”. I am huge fan of the Packers, Blackhawks, and especially the Brewers (even though they are going into a rebuilding season). Laughing is also a key to a happy life. I love standup and comedy specials. I think I am the only person that has a full case of comedy CD’s in my car. Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not mention spending time with my family and friends. Most weekends are spent just getting together, telling stories, and laughing a lot - that’s what keeps me going.
What has been your favorite project so far at Image Management?
It is really difficult to pick any particular project. As mentioned previously, there is such a wide variety of businesses that we cater to. Every project brings new challenges and interesting insights. I do particularly enjoy projects where we do it all for a client - this typically includes developing a new logo, creating a website, and providing support assets thereafter such as brochures, wall decor, or even video work. A few recent examples of this include Wisconsin Metal Products, 21st Century Preparatory School and currently in production Alpha Homes of Wisconsin and Pinnacle Precision Technology.
Who is your role model?
I know this is a standard for most, but my role models are my parents. Both were always hard working and cared deeply for their three children. Our family did not have the most growing up, but we never felt like we were denied a comfortable home, a good education, and fun times. My parents accomplished this through hard work which I strive to emulate every day. I so proud of my mother - at 60 years old she had the courage to make the move from a long career in personal banking at Johnson Bank moving to their trust division. Even with my father’s unfortunate passing in 2008, I still think of his work ethic and drive to provide the best for his family every day. I only hope I can be half the person my parents are in both my work and personal life.
See Chad in our past marketing campaigns!
Published on February 15, 2016