It's common practice for every company to have an established Google My Business (GMB) that's claimed in-house.

This allows for Google posts to be created, location and hours updates to be made, photos to be implemented, and Google reviews to be replied to. However, what if an old employee or agency was the one who claimed the GMB listing access? Are you locked out of your own Google My Business?

The company itself should have the "ownership" of the listing. Here are steps to take back management of your Google My Business listing.

Published on March 31, 2022

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the new Head Honcho in the website ranking world by helping to drive traffic to your website through ranking high on search engines. SEO is a long-term game with a strong return on investment (ROI)! But, it can also be a jumbled web of to-do's.

To help jumpstart your business's 2022, here are four SEO details to make it the best year yet!

Published on January 24, 2022

As we near the holiday season, we have a chance to reflect on how the year has impacted our businesses. With the world going digital, one way to analyze business health is by monitoring our Google ranking based on our industry's keywords. Search Engine Optimization, shortened SEO, is a way to enhance your business's search ranking to make 2022 even better than 2021.

Published on December 23, 2021

I can hear it now: "gobble, gobble, gobble..."

...the turkey's only defense in stating its case as to why it should remain intact this Thanksgiving season compared to its friends in the pen.

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. Yet for the turkey, this is no time for thanks. Instead, a time for swift little legs to outrun and outwit a gloomy fate. Or, more specifically, Aunt Kathy's plate.

Published on November 23, 2021

Each day we all make thousands of decisions. Each decision we make involves judging, whether it be consciously or subconsciously. These judgements range from minor and easy, such as “this milk is sour let's toss it”, to large and complex, such as “do I partner with supplier A or supplier B for my company's products”. Here in the 21st century, another topic of decisions that we make regularly, if not daily, revolves around the websites that we browse. Many times these judgements are subconscious and routine.

Published on November 11, 2021