Uh oh, a bad online review?!

With how hard you work, we understand how heartbreaking a 1 or 2 star review can be. It happens to the BEST of companies, however, and there ARE ways to turn your negative reviews around quickly and efficiently.

important points to keep in mind when you receive a BAD review:

Don't ignore it and don't return fire. People want to hear from you, so immediately responding to a negative review will boost your reputability and credibility. Respond right away in a kind, politically correct manner!

Published on May 18, 2017

There's something so nostalgic about Easter egg hunts. Little kids running around, looking under toys and behind the swings and at the roots of trees for the candy filled plastic ovals of joy... The fun of Easter egg hunts is how unexpected the hiding spots can be, right? To celebrate Easter, some of the Image Management team members have decided to provide unexpected facts about their lives, much like finding an egg on Easter Sunday! Enjoy, and Happy Easter from your website design friends at Image Management!

Published on April 14, 2017

Any Joe Schmo can sell Google AdWords in his mom's basement. What Mr. Schmo can't offer, however, is a Google Partners status to back up his work. That's what sets Image Management apart: we are Google AdWords certified, a feat many people/companies cannot say. What are the requirements of becoming a Google AdWords Partner, you ask?

Published on March 28, 2017

"Every man for himself," they say. While this phrase may be a bit harsh in everyday life, it rings true on Google. Google is essentially a million resumes; when someone needs a painter, they head straight to Google to check out the best, and most fitting, candidate!

How does your online resume match up to your competition? Is your website mobile friendly? Does it have a "wow" factor? And most importantly, are you on the top of the pile?

Published on March 24, 2017


In today's world, there are a million ways to get your business's name out there. A main marketing staple over the last couple decades has been the phone book; companies would spend their marketing budget on a full-page advertisement. And hey, it worked like a charm in 1999!


Just like horses are no longer parading down the streets, phone books are 99.9999% extinct. No one uses them.

Published on March 11, 2017

In order to establish a professional reputation in todays world, a state-of-the-art website design with a "wow" factor is imperative. An attractive and informative website will inevitably boost momentum and create an online buzz. They say an out-dated and bland website is almost worse than having no website at all!

Image Management can help. Having built over 1,000 websites throughout Milwaukee, Chicago, Racine, Kenosha, and nationwide, we encompass knowledge and vision in the website design world. Here's how our 5 step process works:

Published on February 20, 2017

A challenge for marketing teams is choosing which channels of brand outreach to use. There's Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, site blog, email, podcasts... where does one begin? Does every company need to use every platform?

Choosing which media outlets can be most successful (and relevant) for your company or organization is important.

Published on December 12, 2016

Fashion trends ebb and flow. The clothing styles that were on the cover of Vogue five years ago are definitely not the same trends we're seeing on this year's runway.

Website design trends are no different than fashion; it morphs year to year. As desktop and mobile technology advances, aesthetics and user interface of websites change.

The very styles that were cool and trendy a few years back have grown dull and stale.

With 2017 around the corner, it's the perfect time to take a long look at your website design to distinguish what needs a revamp!

Published on December 9, 2016

If your company has a blog, or you personally have a blog, you may have thousands of daily views. Or... you may have zero. Does your website blog need some lovin' to bring in traffic? Image Management has listed several factors to build up page views on your blog!

Published on November 16, 2016

Did you catch that? We misspelled Guerrilla marketing... but it got your attention, didn't it?

Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy concept for businesses to promote their services in an unconventional way with little budget to spend.

And if gorillas are involved... even better.

Guerrilla marketing involves high energy and imagination focusing on grasping the attention of the public.

Published on November 8, 2016