Website Content Planning
Sep 2020

Biggest Website Content Mistakes Pt. 2 of 2

Like we discussed last month, a stellar website has a sleek design, optimal search engine optimization (SEO), attention-grabbing copy, and lead ...

Website Content Mistakes to Avoid
Jul 2020

Biggest Website Content Mistakes Pt. 1 of 2

The average lifespan of a website is two years and seven months. So, if your business, brand, or organization hasn't recently tackled a website design ...

Easy To Edit Websites
Jun 2020

Website Editing

2020 has been a whirlwind year for everyone. Virtually every business has had to make some changes in how, when and/or to whom they provide their ...

May 2020

Climbing Up The Google Ranking

For good reason, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a hot-topic today in both Milwaukee and the world. Moving a website up on the search engines ...

Text Messages from Contact Forms
Apr 2020

Text Messaging Completed Website Contact Forms

At Image Management, we stay ahead of the curve on the latest website design and development tips and tricks. One such way involves sending text ...

Building A Professional Website
Apr 2020

4 Tips When Building A Website

1. Plan the Design and Content Structure Alexander Graham Bell once said, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” This is very true ...

Google Reviews Amidst COVID-19
Apr 2020

Google Business Reviews Amidst COVID-19

During the unprecedented COVID-19 situation... ...many business owners find themselves doing everything possible to keep their businesses afloat. One ...

Google Review Recommendations
Feb 2020

Do Google Reviews Help SEO and Rankings?

When you think about the SEO of your business website, Google My Business reviews probably aren't the first thing that come to mind. But in addition ...

Website Design in Milwaukee
Jan 2020

Is Hiring A Milwaukee Website Design Company Worth It?

In 2020, there are many “make your own” solutions for creating a website design. And while these options are fine for a small organization in need of ...

Website Blogging 101
Dec 2019

Blogging for Better SEO 101

So, you’ve heard having a website blog or newsfeed can benefit your website’s SEO, but you don’t know where to start. Sound familiar? If so, you have ...

Website Design and SEO tips for law firms
Nov 2019

Attorney Firm Website Design/SEO

76% of potential attorney clients will begin with an online search prior to calling. Oof! With a number that high, making sure your attorney website ...

Winning Tactics For Website Ranking
Oct 2019

Middle School Gym Class

Let's take a time-travelling journey back to middle school gym class. No, no, I'm not going to bring up your geeky headgear or the bowl-cut your mom ...